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Ladle Preheater

Ladle Preheaters are considered as integral parts of iron making process. These vertically aligned systems are used for baking and heating of ladle under specific temperature range. These systems are equipped with high pressure fan for providing combustion air. These Lade Preheaters are equipped with baking bags that are non- automatically adjusted to maintain required heating temperature during baking. Offered preheaters have mechanical flame detection as well as ignition arrangement. Based on application type, these systems can maintain maximum 1000 degree C baking temperature. These machines can be fueled by diesel/natural gas/coal.

Horizontal Ladle Preheater

  • Material:Metal
  • Product Type: Ladle Preheater, Other
Price: 200000 INR/Unit

Fully Automatic Ladle Praheater

  • Product Type:Ladle Praheater, Other
  • Material:Metal
Price: 200000 INR/Unit

Hydraulic Ladle Preheater

  • Product Type:Other, Hydraulic Ladle Preheater
  • Material:Metal
Price: 150000 INR/Unit

Electrical Ladle Preheater

  • Material:Metal
  • Product Type: Ladle Preheater, Other
Price: 200000 INR/Unit